Honey Bees Printable Freezer Labels
There’s something about honey bees and wildflowers that brings a cheerful smile to my face. I chose this licensed design by PrimsyDoodleDesigns to create this set of freezer labels. Each label measures approximately 3.75″ W x 3″ H when printed. There is extra room on the bottom section of this label to write out any directions for preparation or any other notes you might want to add. This item is available for download as a free printable PDF sheet. Print these out on to a sheet of sticker paper.
Download the labels HERE
I have recently joined the food prep and freezer meals club. Since my memory isn’t what it once was… honestly, it never was very sharp, these labels have helped me to remember when certain meals were prepared and frozen. I always think I’ll remember at the time I put something in the freezer, and then months down the road I’m left scratching my head trying to guess to no avail.
I could just use a black permanent marker to write on the freezer bags or containers but nine times out of ten I find myself sharing some of them with friends and family. The pretty labels make the frozen meals or leftovers more appealing! I admit I’m drawn like a magnet to the design on food packaging in the stores too. Since my favorite designs are cute or funny I end up with a lot of snacks that I don’t need. I’m hoping these labels will help with that since I can now decorate a freezer bag filled with broccoli. When was the last time you saw a cute design on a frozen bag of broccoli at the store? My husband came across a brand of fresh Kiwi at Aldi’s that has a cute kiwi cartoon on it. I’m making broccoli soup this week and I am going to put these stickers on the freezer bags filled with leftover soup. My daughter and her family look forward to me sending the frozen soup home with them when they visit.
Tags: food prep, free printables, freezer meals, frozen soup labels, honey bee, make ahead meals, wildflowers
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